Words of Wisdom From Two Moms

How Can Parents Start Boosting Their Own Confidence?

Needless to say, parenting is by far one of the most rewarding journeys you can embark on, but let’s face it: it can also be incredibly daunting. Actually, that...

What to Do When Your Child Hates Their School

In all honestly, is there much that you can do? Well, as much as every parent wishes that every school experience could be rainbows and sunshine for their kids,...

This Is How To Help Your Child Settle In When Moving Overseas

Moving overseas is a big change, even for adults, but for kids, it transforms their whole world. With that in mind, doing everything you can to make sure they...

Navigating the Educational Labyrinth: A Parent’s Guide to Optimal Planning for Your Child’s Future

Hey there, fellow parent! Let's dive into this whole schooling shebang together, shall we? It's more than ABCs and 123s; it's about shaping those tiny humans into awesome adults....

Top Things to Consider When Thinking About Becoming a Parent

Becoming a parent is both exciting and terrifying. If you are due to have your first child, or you are planning to start a new family, then you might...

This is Us

Jodi Carlson and Lisa Welsh

We are two sisters Jodi and Lisa that love being moms. We are both mothers of two amazing children. We were both blessed with a boy and a girl and our boys and girls are only a few months apart which has been amazing to watch our children grow up together not just as cousins but as friends. Together we share countless tips and tricks of things we have experienced first hand with our kids as we continue to guide and teach them to become caring, sensible and responsible human beings, all while working a full time jobs, maintaining a home and some how still allowing for some personal time and growth.

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